Thursday, March 31, 2011


Obama cuts the use of imported foreign oil, and backs the continuous use of nuclear energy despite the nuclear radiation crisis in Japan. Obama says, “nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, so those of us who are concerned with climate change we’ve got to recognize that if nuclear power is safe we got to incorporate nuclear power into the energy plan.”  When did nuclear power ever deem itself as a safe entity? Although the president is backed by major funding from white collar money based in nuclear energy, why would announce publicly that “nuclear power is safe” and that we must support the incorporation of nuclear power into the Energy Policy? What the US needs is a scientific advisor that keeps Obama and other officials from making scientific contradictions and giving the US population the idea that they are safe under the further use and increase future use of nuclear power.
Nuclear energy has never been safe, and so what if it “does not emit carbon dioxide” this aspect does not validate that nuclear energy is the safest alternative source. Did we forget about solar, electric, and wind energies? Are we approaching a state that does not think that alternative energy sources are the safest and more efficient? Trust me you do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. Saying that nuclear energy is safe is analogous to saying that dumping oil into our oceans will not kill and harm life and marine species in the environment. It is like saying if you drink cyanide you will not die, and that you are safe! This is totally absurd. Professor Bernard L Cohen at the University of Pittsburg says, “radiation consists of subatomic particles… that can penetrate deep inside the human body… damaging biological cells” that can directly cause cancer and genetic diseases in offspring. “Nuclear power plants are, next to nuclear warheads themselves, the most dangerous devices that man has ever created. Their construction and proliferation is the most irresponsible, in fact the most criminal act ever to have taken place on this planet,” says Patrick Moore.
Green Peace argues that for  the “millions of Americans” are “put at risk by the inherent dangers of nuclear power…who's livelihoods have been destroyed… more of the same is hardly the path toward Energy Security.” Due to the nuclear crisis in Japan we have seen more than 9,000 people die from radiation poisoning. As of today nuclear radiation levels are at an all time high in Japan and the evacuation zone has been extended to 25 mile radius from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima.  The United States urged “Americans within 50 miles of Japanese nuclear plant to evacuate; NRC chief outlines dangerous situation.”  Why has a laissez-faire approach been taken in such a serious situation? Now other countries outside of Japan are being negatively affected by the radiation poisoning. In Singapore the cabbage that has been shipped from Japan was found to have high concentrations of radiation.  Radiation was found in milk in states such as California and Washington on the West Coast.  So now tell me how safe do you think nuclear radiation is?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Business As A Mental State..

Business is a frame of mind. It is a frame of spirit. It is a balanced mood and energy that needs to be kept in homeostasis. It is a frame of thinking that no amount of money and power could ever replace. Business is an infrastructure buried in stress that you must have a coping mechanism to deal with. You must be a strong willed soul who can confront opposition and discouraging ideas. -C.Clark

Prove Yourself!

When you are called upon to prove yourself, provide evidence and documentation. Do not fear. For this is only a passage of validity allowing others to see who you are as a person, a thinker, a worker, an intellect, and a true valid source that people can rely on. - C.Clark